StoryShattered Realms: Mortal Tale is set in the fictional world of Oxorin, many years after countless monumental changes ravaged the realm, traces of the ancient past are scattered far and wide. In a world full of titanic beings, humankind and other humanoids seem like meek ants.
One day, it was proclaimed that Chaos would return once again to the world, and the proclamation rang out like the grim toll of a bell, sending a wave of disaster upon the world. With the fall of kings and nations, the times turned grim, and the people turned on the Prophets, the ancient speakers of the will of the gods. To add to their misery, Death himself has risen to claim all of Oxorin, and none can defeat the spectral being. While all this happens, the one glimmer of hope the Prophets spoke of, The Last Hero, returns, though to usher in the days of old or to completely revolutionize the world... that is their tale. Your tale. The game is in its alpha/beta stage, so many things are subject to change. We're working through a lot of ideas, and have a lot of work to do to get to the point of polish we desire. Please be patient as some updates will take longer than others. Please follow us on Twitter (at @DracoWyrm_Media), our website's news blogs, and out Twitch & YouTube Channels, both of which have the handle of AoDLegacy. You can also follow Shattered Realms: Mortal Tale on Facebook, IndieDB, GameJolt, and RoastMyGame, and
InfoGenre: RPG, Turn Based, Fantasy
Engine: RPG Maker MZ Project Starting Date: June 9, 2014 Project Release Date: TBA Public Demo Version: 1.0.4 Next Version: Chapter 1: 1.0 StaffAoDLegacy - Main Developer [Character Artist, Game Design]
Zephyr - Battlebacks and Supporting Artist Meteo Xavier - Musician |
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