Title: Dawn Rising Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Mystery Setting: World of Aladoria (Present) Main Charecters: Danica Crown, Alexander Status: Completed, Editing in Progress Story:
Dancia Crown is the princess of the fairy nation, the Fairywoodlands, as well as the commander of its armed forces. Twelve years ago, a mighty war between the fairies and the dragonlings left the world changed, perhaps forever. Now, age fourteen and living an 'ordinary' life, Danica could never expect any major threat, especially from the past. The only threat she fights is the Valgarin, giant vampire-like beings that constantly threaten the peace of the nation.
That will soon change, as forces from ancient history now stir, as well as forces from this day and age. Can Danica overcome the overwhelming odds and defeat the shadow that now threatens to end the dawn?
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