Title: Dialadect Resurgence Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Mystery Setting: World of Aladoria (Present) Main Charecters: Danica Crown, Alexander Status: In Progress Story:
In the sequel to Dawn Rising, the Dialadect forces, finally released thanks to Ramok's return, have begun an invasion of Aladoira. At first these monsters seem to have no real threat, but only Danica can see the true danger behind these new enemies, and must make an attempt to unite the peoples of Aladoria, from the elves, to humanity, Danica must hurry to rally Aladoria before the coming storm arrives.
And in the midst of all of this, Ramok remains undefeated, if Xah'mmad should fail, Ramok will return, perhaps stronger than ever. Between these two overwhelming forces, can Danica hope to prevail against the rising darkness, or will Chaos finally win its ancient war with Order?
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